There is a dreaded moment everyone experiences at least once in their life, when they go out and realize: everyone else is dressed differently. Sometimes this is due to style choices, but most of the time, this means your wardrobe has gone out of style! This happens to just about everyone, and it isn’t hard to correct. In fact, it can be a lot of fun to create a new wardrobe! You can find something that suits you and is still in style. Luckily, there are also some styles that seem to be timeless. Change your wardrobe and change your life!

Change Wardrobe
When you find that you’re starting to dress a bit outdated, there are several steps to changing your wardrobe. The first is purging old clothes and getting rid of clothing. The next step is budgeting, and the last step is purchasing your new wardrobe. While it isn’t easy, it is worth it! Some people are afraid to make a large purchase or a large wardrobe change, but you can do this in a way that fits any budget. Remember, changing your wardrobe doesn’t mean you are changing everything, so stick with what you love. There are plenty of ways to incorporate some of your old clothes into your new outfits.
How to Purge Your Closet
Step one in updating your wardrobe is getting rid of clothing you know is out of style. This takes time, so you may want to spread it out over the course of a few days or weeks. Take each item of clothing out and evaluate it.
Try It On
First, try it on. If the article doesn’t fit, don’t keep it! That is an easy way to get rid of some things that might not be in style, but also, you won’t wear. Also, throw away any damaged or stained clothing you may be holding onto. Then, separate your clothes and determine which ones are basics, seasonal, or for special occasions. Basics are clothes like plain t-shirts, tank tops, or jeans (without decor or rips). Seasonal clothes include things like coats, swimsuits, and other clothing you only wear once per year. Special occasion wear includes things like holiday wear, Halloween costumes, and wedding/black tie clothing.
Fashion Inspo
Once these have been removed, take a look at what is left. This is the most important step for determining what is out of date. Take each item (or a category of item) and search online for outfit inspiration. Can you find outfits that are modern that include that sort of item? And would you be able to wear it or something similar? Pinterest is a great source for outfits that are cute and in style. If you can’t find anything modern that uses that item of clothing, it’s time to give it away. Sometimes you can find a modern, updated way to wear that item. For example, you might have worn a white button-up shirt in 2010, which you used to wear buttoned up with a chunky statement necklace over. Now, you could wear the shirt partially unbuttoned with some layering necklaces underneath. However, there are some clothes that just won’t be in style. Make sure to get rid of those!
Now that your closet has been purged, reorganize your clothes. There are many ways to do this that might help you organize them in such a way that it will help you dress more modern. Take stock of what you have so you know what you will need to get to complete your wardrobe! Don’t forget to take wearable clothes and donate them to people in need. Just because they are out of style for you, doesn’t mean they are useless! Donation is a great way to give back and make sure there is no clothing waste in landfills. You could also sell your clothes or give them to a company that recycles them!
When purchasing a new wardrobe, once you have purged your clothes, you need to decide how much money you are willing to spend on your new clothes. This looks different for everyone. Some people may want to spend a few months saving before purchasing new clothes. Others may want to just buy one or two new clothing items per month. Some people have the money saved already and are ready to make their purchases. Luckily, clothing companies fit a wide range of budgets. You can find great deals on clearance, thrifting, or other less expensive ways. You can even look online at clothes you like, and find similar ones for less. Whatever your budget, set it before you purchase clothes, so you don’t end up spending too much.

Purchasing Updated Clothing
Now that you have your clothes purged and organized, and a budget set, it is time to find your new style and update your wardrobe. This is harder than it looks, but you can do it! Look at the clothes you currently have, and look at Pinterest or other websites for inspiration. Put together what kinds of outfits you might want to wear, all the way down to the accessories. Then, find what is missing. Try to pick articles of clothing you can wear with multiple outfits. Then, find it in a store or online! Online shopping is a great way to find deals and look for exactly what you want. Check every store’s return policy when buying online, in case the item doesn’t fit or isn’t what you wanted.
Buying Clothes for You
Some other things to consider when updating your wardrobe are dressing for your body type and for your color scheme! Find out what your body type is, and buy clothing that flatters you. You can also find out your ideal color palette, which will help you look even better. Then, find clothing in those categories that will complete your look. You are beautiful and unique, so update your style and enjoy your new look!