Accessories Every Woman Needs - Pretty and All

Accessories Every Woman Needs

Any woman can agree that accessories can sometimes make or break an outfit. Whether you’ve figured out your style or you’re still finding your footing in the fashion department, adding accessories to an outfit can help boost your confidence and turn a good outfit into a great one. 

Since accessories can be anything from jewelry to hair embellishments, you’ll want to purchase a few that are versatile and can be used for day-to-day life along or worn to significant events. In this article, we’ll go over some of the best accessories a woman can have in her arsenal. Follow along to learn more about what you can do with just a few accessories that can make all the difference in perfecting your outfit. 

floral hair clips

Must-Have Accessories List

Accessories aren’t just small ways to embellish your outfit, they can also give you the opportunity to show off your personality. Not only will accessories accentuate your style, but they can even give you more confidence. In this way, accessories can pull your look together to create a more chic and refined appearance. 

That said, here are some accessories that you can use to spruce up an outfit on any occasion:

  • Sunglasses
  • Watches
  • Purses/Bags
  • Scarves
  • Belts
  • Tights/Leggings
  • Earrings
  • Necklaces
  • Hats
  • Rings
  • Hair clips

These are just a few of the many accessories out there that you can play around with. Of course, as with any item that you pair with your garb, there are some general dos and don’ts for each of these examples. But, as everything is when it comes to fashion, these rules are largely subjective, and you can certainly get away with breaking them from time to time. 

The point of accessorizing is to enhance your outfit, so you don’t want to go too hard. If you find that you’re wearing so many accessories that your outfit seems almost like an afterthought, you might want to slim down to a few choice pieces. You want your unique style to come through via the combination of clothes and accessories, not one or the other. Your goal should be to find a balance. 

Tips For Accessorizing 

As with anything else, too many accessories can become an issue. Your goal for any given outfit should be to use one to two statement pieces. Again, this largely depends on the outfit and your own personal style, so use your own judgment and keep the idea of balance in mind. For instance, if you’re wearing very large earrings, it might be best to keep the rest of your accessories to a minimum. You don’t want to draw the viewer’s eye in too many directions. 

Before deciding on accessories for an outfit, you also want to consider what you’re wearing and why you’re wearing it. For example, you might want to leave your leather metal studded gloves at home if you’re attending a wedding. That is unless the bride and groom happen to be holding a punk-themed reception, in which case, the gloves could be fun and appropriate. 

Accessories also exist to accent certain aspects of your body or your outfit. You’ll want to think about where you want to draw other people’s eyes when accessorizing. On the flip side, if there is a part of your body you’re insecure about, you can even use accessories to draw eyes away from that area to boost your confidence. If you want to show off a cinched waist, a statement belt could be the way to go. In addition to that, you can use necklaces and earrings to bring attention to your face. 

chain link purse

Expressing Your Style With Accessories

You’ll also want to think about color when it comes to your accessories. This is particularly important when it comes to big or eye-catching items like scarves or handbags. You might want to consider using accessories that feature colors already in your ensemble. For example, you can pair a yellow purse with a skirt that has a design with the same color in it. Additionally, when it comes to jewelry, you’ll want to either stick to only gold or silver for one look. 

Accessories bring your outfit together. Fashion is all about the small details in an outfit, and accessories are all about detail. If you want people to pay attention to your style, you’ll want to make sure to accessorize. Without accessories, you might get bored of your outfits after a while. 

A lot of accessorizing is done through trial and error. You can never be one hundred percent sure whether an accessory will look amazing or fall completely flat. That’s why we encourage you to crack open your jewelry box, look through your collections of hats, scarves, etc., and just experiment. Figure out what works for you and what doesn’t in the comfort of your own home before you commit to wearing anything out. 

silver purse

Find Cute Accessories Today

At Pretty & All, we pride ourselves on offering our customers a variety of cute accessories for all different types of styles. Whether you’re looking for a simple hair clip, a statement purse, or a pair of funky earrings, you can find something you’ll like on our website. We recognize that an outfit is not complete without the necessary accessories, and we’re happy to help you find the accent you need for any given occasion. 

Pretty & All is a small online boutique that offers women trendy clothing and accessories for all different sizes. We hand-pick pieces to create a curated collection of pretty things for our customers. No one wants to walk away from a store because they don’t fit into “standard” clothing sizes. We want you to look at our selection of clothes, fall in love, and be able to walk away with something that fits comfortably and allows you to feel confident in your own skin. 

If you’re interested in learning more about accessorizing and other fashion tips, visit our blog for more useful information about enhancing your style. If you’re looking for accessories to spruce up your wardrobe, visit our website and check out our jewelry, gifts, and accessories collection. We’re sure you’ll find something you won’t be able to live without.