Tips to Make Your Bachelorette Party One to Remember - Pretty and All

Tips to Make Your Bachelorette Party One to Remember

Bachelorette parties are the best way to celebrate a bride-to-be. Logistics play a big role in the success of any bachelorette party. A lot of the things you might need to execute a successful party are simple but also easy to forget. So if you’re struggling with party planning ideas, look no further.

bachelorette koozies

Preparing For a Bachelorette Party

As you are planning your party, these are important things you won’t want to forget to pack or consider before you go.

Pre-Game Party Essentials

We’re sure you won’t forget the alcohol, but you might forget something else that’s essential - cups! If you plan to have a girls’ night in at your bachelorette Airbnb or pregame at your hotel, you’ll need to pack the essentials that your Airbnb or hotel might not have. One of our party planning ideas is to stock up on cute party cups, mixers, straws, and ice beforehand!

Setup Supplies

Is it really a bachelorette party if there isn’t a photo backdrop or other decorations? Nothing would be worse than getting to your bachelorette Airbnb and realizing you don’t have what you need to actually hang your decorations. If you pack scissors, tape, and string, you won’t have to waste time on a last-minute trip to the store once you arrive at your destination.

Multiple Playlists

Maybe there’s one person in the bachelorette party that is the go-to playlist maker. But instead of creating one playlist that you hope will capture the mood of the entire weekend, we recommend making a few. Having options means you can read the room and pick the playlist that best fits everyone’s mood. You might want a chill playlist for the drive to your hotel, a throwback playlist for when you’re getting ready, and a party playlist to pregame to. 

bride to be

Bluetooth Speaker and Charger

On the topic of music, you need to have something to play your epic playlists from. Your phone’s speaker simply won’t do. So, make sure you bring a Bluetooth speaker along. And don’t forget to bring the charger along. After all, there’s nothing worse than a speaker dying in the middle of the chorus. With your speaker and charger, everyone will be able to enjoy the playlists you worked so hard on.

Short List of Bars and Restaurants

For bachelorette parties in other locations, the last thing you want is to get to the destination and be wondering what you should do. Don’t leave it until the day of to research the best restaurants and bars in the area. Plus, sometimes your original plans may not work out thanks to the bar being overcrowded, an expensive cover, or a private event. If you do your research ahead of time and make a list of options, you won’t be left stranded at the last minute.

Comprehensive Grocery List

If your bachelorette party will be at an Airbnb, one of our top party planning ideas is to make a thorough grocery list right when you arrive. If you are going to be eating in for any meals or need snacks as you’re between activities, you’ll need to buy groceries. This might seem obvious and like something that can be done without any thought, but we recommend the opposite. Do people have specific drinks or foods that they particularly like? Does anyone have dietary restrictions? Make note of these things, so you don’t waste time making multiple trips to the store when you could be having fun instead!

Squad Communication

If you haven’t already, it’s time to create a group text of everyone attending the bachelorette party. This is the perfect place to send key information about the trip beforehand so everyone can refer back to it as it gets closer. Plus, if at any time during the weekend you split up into more than one group, you’ll have a central place to organize meeting up. In addition, you’re sure to take tons of pictures throughout the weekend. Make it easy for everyone to have access to all of the pictures by sending them in the group message! It makes it much easier than having to ask whose phone has specific photos on it. 

Hangover Cure Kit

Nobody looks forward to the hangover that comes the morning after a fun night out with friends. Come prepared for this with hangover cures that will help you all bounce back quickly. Items like Advil, Tylenol, Gatorade, bottles of water, crackers, and even makeup-removing wipes are helpful to have on hand

summer bridal party

Our Other Party Planning Tips

Those aren’t all of our party planning ideas, we have more where that came from! As you begin planning this weekend to remember, remember the following.

Be Mindful of What People Can Afford

Before you decide everyone should book a flight to Las Vegas, think about whether that’s feasible for everyone invited. It might be awkward to ask about someone’s financials, but it’s better to ask than to put them in a position where they don’t know how to tell you they can’t afford the trip you’re suggesting. Typically, you’ll all be splitting the cost of the party, so plan it in a way that makes financial sense for everyone.

Plan Downtime

This is especially important if you are planning a weekend-long bachelorette party. Inevitably, people are going to need a break. You might want to plan for activity after activity, but downtime is just as important. In many cases, the bachelorette party is a rare time where all of the bride’s nearest and dearest are together in the same room. So simple things like catching up, playing cards, hanging out by a pool, or watching a cheesy movie are also very fun. In fact, they might even be the times that you remember the best!

Bachelorette Parties to Remember

For some bridal parties, the bachelorette party is as memorable as the wedding itself! Keep these party planning ideas in mind as you prepare for this special weekend. If you do, you’ll be able to enjoy the time with each other even more, knowing everything has been planned to perfection.